EVENT PHOTOS - Natural Heritage Events July & August 2016
These were held as part of the Heritage Lottery Fund project Restoration and development of the Bohemia Victorian Walled Garden for heritage, learning and enjoyment
Flowers and Woodland animals
We had botany experts to tell young naturalists how to identify flowers. Woodland animals were learned about through story, games and art. Clay animals were made. Badger and squirrels came to visit (taxidermy specimens) from the Hastings Country Park.
Birds and Moths
Lucy from Sussex Wildlife Trust came to talk about birds and we made bird feeders. Crystal Ray, a moth expert showed us the beauty of moths. She talked about them and we released some into the sunflower boarder. The evaluation was very positive. A lovely garden, great to have events that were of interest to parents as well as children. We hope to do a Botany session for adults and a local moth trapping session in the future.